About US

Polar Field Services (PFS) provides project management for CH2M HILL Polar Services, the logistics provider to the National Science Foundation’s Arctic Sciences Division in the Office of Polar Programs. Founded in 1999, we are dedicated to helping scientists prepare for and conduct polar research. We understand the difficulties of working and living in harsh, frozen environments. Many of our employees have supported research both in the Arctic and on the ice in Antarctica for more years than we care to admit.

We draw on our longstanding relationships with locals, pilots and suppliers—working with everyone from multi-national corporations to individuals—to provide the best gear, access, research tools, and accommodations possible. Our clients field projects in Alaska, Greenland, Russia, Canada, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. We also assist scientists conducting research in the Arctic Ocean, either aboard ships or at ice camps. In addition to planning logistics, we oversee and manage Arctic research sites.

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